Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Curriculum Night 2011

Last night was Carter and Layla's curriculum night at the church. The teacher's had nothing but great things to say about my naughty pair that I was so shocked (not really..they are pretty sweet kids). We started off our evening with a spaghetti dinner served with garden salad and garlic bread provided by the church and then we were released to their classrooms!

Carter on his first curriculum night! He sure was proud to show his Mama his classroom and projects!

Carter and his friend, Will!

Micah and Will being silly while we were waiting to get some spaghetti.

Carter's classroom!

These charts represent listening and following directions..as you can see Carter and his buddy Will have some catching up to do.

Then we ventured on to Miss Priss's room..Layla stayed home with Daddy but Carter and I sure loved hearing about our sweet baby girl.

Her little cubby.

Layla's special birthday cake for when she turns two and gets to move up to another class.

Carter trying to scheme up some mischief in his classroom.


  1. What precious angels! Mimi thinks he should have more stars hahaha.

  2. You do have sweet kids! We love them!
