Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Fair!!!!!

Last night Al and I loaded up the babies and went to the Gwinnett County Fair for the first time as a family! Carter had so much fun riding some of the rides and eating some nice greasy fair food. Due to long lines, we really didn't get to ride that much but we sure did enjoy the petting zoo!

Someone super excited about going to the fair!!! Carter talked about going all day!

Miss Priss all decked out for the fair!

Our view from the car!!!

Carter riding on the cars. At the end of the ride, he told the fair lady that he was not getting off and wanted to ride again..haha. I had to go and get him.

Carter riding the kiddie ferris wheel! I couldn't really get a good shot of him on this ride. Just know that half way through the ride he had to get off due to a new fear of heights.

Carter with the donkey!

The piggies!

Little chicks!


Baby calves! We can't wait to go back to the fair next year and preferably on a week night.

1 comment:

  1. I remember taking you when you were little. Mimi's glad they had a good time.
