Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Fair!!!!!

Last night Al and I loaded up the babies and went to the Gwinnett County Fair for the first time as a family! Carter had so much fun riding some of the rides and eating some nice greasy fair food. Due to long lines, we really didn't get to ride that much but we sure did enjoy the petting zoo!

Someone super excited about going to the fair!!! Carter talked about going all day!

Miss Priss all decked out for the fair!

Our view from the car!!!

Carter riding on the cars. At the end of the ride, he told the fair lady that he was not getting off and wanted to ride again..haha. I had to go and get him.

Carter riding the kiddie ferris wheel! I couldn't really get a good shot of him on this ride. Just know that half way through the ride he had to get off due to a new fear of heights.

Carter with the donkey!

The piggies!

Little chicks!


Baby calves! We can't wait to go back to the fair next year and preferably on a week night.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Another appreciated TGIF!

Friday could not have taken longer to get here this week! Here are some pics of my munchkins and our new pup winding down.

Carter and Gracie...these two had way too much energy for two little ones that were suppose to be winding down.

Somehow Carter ended up with the dinosaur in his mouth with the dog chasing him..what is wrong with this picture?

Someone gets a little overly dramatic when Gracie gives her kisses especially on days we didn't nap at school.

Ah...I think we are finally settling down.

Or not.....

Hope everyone has a good weekend!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Curriculum Night 2011

Last night was Carter and Layla's curriculum night at the church. The teacher's had nothing but great things to say about my naughty pair that I was so shocked (not really..they are pretty sweet kids). We started off our evening with a spaghetti dinner served with garden salad and garlic bread provided by the church and then we were released to their classrooms!

Carter on his first curriculum night! He sure was proud to show his Mama his classroom and projects!

Carter and his friend, Will!

Micah and Will being silly while we were waiting to get some spaghetti.

Carter's classroom!

These charts represent listening and following directions..as you can see Carter and his buddy Will have some catching up to do.

Then we ventured on to Miss Priss's room..Layla stayed home with Daddy but Carter and I sure loved hearing about our sweet baby girl.

Her little cubby.

Layla's special birthday cake for when she turns two and gets to move up to another class.

Carter trying to scheme up some mischief in his classroom.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

She's Here!

Little Miss Gracie finally made her debut home today! It seems like forever since we first started visiting her when she was just two weeks old. The kids are enjoying her company very much and like helping us do things to help take care of her. She is almost crate trained and loves to play outside. Looking forward to everyone meeting the newest member of our family!

Gracie's first official photo!

Already loving to bite feet!!!!

Before we know it, she will be one big girl. She has changed so much since the first time I saw her. She is already protective over Carter and Layla..and we look forward to having her with us for many years to come!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Shake that...

Someone has become quite the little dancer around here..especially on a Friday night after some pizza..here is our little future DWTS contestant in action...

And not to mention TGIF!!! What a crazy week!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Manic Monday

Just another manic Monday here at this Hardin household. It was definitely a PP&J night here but there was no complaining from these tired munchkins.

This was actually Layla's 2nd PP&J!!

While someone else on the other hand, barely finishes one.

Watching Blues Clues!

After a crazy weekend, it definitely didn't stop at Monday. The munchkins had several class activities and me just getting out of the hospital (I'm seeing the GI Dr. next Wednesday..just to keep everyone posted). Hopefully Tuesday will be better!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

1st trip to Waffle House!

Saturday we took the munchkins for their first Waffle House experience (this was before I ended up in the hospital). Overall, we had a pretty good experience..the kids loved the atmosphere and of course the greasy food.

Carter and Al waiting on some famous Waffle House food!

"What should I order?"

Layla and her mama!

Sweet boy indulging in some chocolate milk!

We didn't hear much out of Layla after the food arrived! She ate her own plate plus half of Carter's waffle.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Good News!

Today I took Layla for her pulmonology follow up and after a thorough check up, it looks like Layla will be able to come off her Asthma medication if she has no problems during the winter months. Since her ear surgery back in May, she has been doing so much better! We are hoping after winter that she will have outgrown this spout of childhood Asthma!

Not to thrilled to be at the Doctor..
bless her heart she has seen so

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Happy Labor Day Weekend!

Sunday we loaded up the babies and spent the day at the park! The kids enjoyed feeding the fish at the pond and playing on the playground. It was the last day of sunlight before getting hit by some nasty storms.

Carter always manages to make a friend at the park. I think it was to manipulate this little boy into giving him more bread to feed the ducks.

Miss Priss enjoying the ducks and of course being out of the stroller.

Fun at the playground. Unfortunately, we didn't get very many food shots..keeping these kids hydrated was occupying enough.

Such a bog boy!

Carter enjoying the swings!

My sweet very tired babies and I.

Tired..yet so full of energy.

Layla always loves the swings. She loves to swing and watch her brother play!