Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Zek's Birthday Party

It seems like it has just been birthday season around here and with more coming up including Carter and Layla's party! I think we have a birthday party until May actually. I had my Air Force reserve weekend and wasn't able to make it to this weekend's charade. However, Al was a great camera man and took some pics of the party!

They had it set up like a carnival and the invitations were created like actual carnival tickets and was our ticket into the party. Such a cute idea! I'm getting ideas as I go.

They even had little booths set up like a fair where you could win prizes. We happen to win the grand prize from the ticket drawing and with our prize...drum roll...we get to go to Phillips Arena on Thursday and see Barney live. Carter cannot wait!

The birthday boy opening up gifts!

Carter and his gang from school! They all started together in the young twos and will be together through kindergarten.

Layla enjoying the sunshine and glad she gets to tag along with her big bro. As you can tell, Al definitely dressed her..haha.

Carter going into the moonwalk. These things really use to scare him!

Opening up more presents..I think Al did good for his first time as camera man!

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