Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Layla meets the Skardons!

Yesterday, we drove up the countryside to visit Nana Bev, John, and the rest of the gang in Walhalla, SC. I have it marked in Layla's baby book as her first vacation or road trip overnight away from home. It was so good getting to see everyone and the munchkins had a blast.

Nana, John, and Layla.

Maybe I'll give Nana a smile!
Nana and John set Carter up a little pool to play in. As you can see, he was very occupied.
Tickles from Nana!
Uncle John and Layla.
Great Grandma Beetsie and Layla.
Aunt Mariko and Layla.
Al and I after some wine.
Paw-paw telling Layla bye.
John took us to see his racing shop and we enjoyed getting to look at his awesome car!

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