Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

1 Month

Happy one month Layla Nicole. This last month has been great watching Layla grow and change! She had her one month appointment at the doctor yesterday and we learned that her height at the hospital had been miscalculated, however, she is still a long baby. We learned that her motor skills are that of a 6-8 week old's level. Here are her new stats:

Height: 22 1/2 inches >95%
Weight: 12lbs 1oz >95%
Head Circumference: 40cm >90%

As you can see, she still has manged to keep her stats in the upper 90th percentile or off the charts completely. We were looking through Carter's baby book and at birth he weighed 7lbs 12oz and at his first month check up he was 11lbs 4oz. It appears miss Layla is right on track..just a little bigger then her brother at a month old. The doctor assured us her weight would eventually slow down and she would be around the same as other babies her age.
Sweet girl!
The dress she is wearing was mine as a baby! I was lucky to still have them to dress her in.

Carter at a month old.
Here is some videos of Layla this past month.

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