Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day

This year was a great father's day for us. We celebrated our morning with homemade cinnamon toast and daddy opening up his presents. We then spent the afternoon with paw-paw at his pool and had a cookout. It was definitely a great father's day this year. My munchkins are so lucky to have such a wonderful daddy! I also wanted to wish all the other fathers a Happy Father's Day!

The card the kids and I made for Al. Poor little Layla's hand print..I tried.
Al's presents for being a wonderful daddy! The one in the red envelope is what Carter made for Al at school.
Opening his gift.....drum roll............
Al is always complaining how he never has any togo coffee mugs so I had one made so that when he drinks his coffee every morning he can see his two favorite little people!
What Carter made Al at school. So precious! These are always the best gifts.
The other part of the card.
Happy father's day paw-paw!
Still trying to get that tan!

Paw-paw, Carter, and Uncle Chase.
Layla sporting her bikini and tan.
Handsome fella!

Carter and Uncle Nick. Someone was wore out by the time this picture was taken.
Daddy and Layla.

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