Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Monday, June 14, 2010

Lake Hartwell!

Saturday, we took our first road trip as a family of four to Lake Hartwell for the day. It was a blast! Carter was a little sketchy of the lake at first but enjoyed swimming in the lake and taking his first boat ride..even little Layla experienced her first boat ride. By the end of the day, Al and I were exhausted from tubing, riding the jet skis, and watching two little ones.

Not happy to be in his life jacket.
Al and I getting ready to go tubing. We didn't look this cute when we returned. Julie's dad tried his hardest to throw us off but we managed to survive!
Little Layla watching all the action.
Carter still unsure about his first boat ride.
But..we think he got reassured rather quickly.

Us, swimming in the middle of the lake!

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