Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Thanksgiving through the now...

This year was a very quiet Thanksgiving. We took Carter along with cousin Aidan to see great grandma Lucy and great pawpaw Ernest. Carter enjoyed the usual Thanksgiving food and made a complete mess. I was unfortunately unable to snap any pictures because I was not feeling well at all. We spent the rest of the holiday lounging around the house and we took Carter to the park for a couple hours to feed the ducks and play on the playground. I also took some Christmas pictures of Carter last night and getting him to stay still and look at the camera was quite the challenge. However, I think I found one out of the eighty that I took to work perfectly for our Christmas card.

Tonight we are taking the little guy to see Santa Claus. He is usually pretty good with people he doesn't know but nothing surprises me anymore. I wonder if Al or I will be recruited to sit in the picture with him. We are also going to be getting our tree tonight after we see Santa. Last year we got a furry tree AKA: Douglas Fir tree and I really enjoyed it. It was less of a mess. I think our biggest challenge will be keeping Carter out of the tree. Have you ever heard of the tree that had all the ornaments at the top of the tree? I bet many of you that have toddlers have.

I am definitely looking forward to posting the Santa pictures tomorrow!

He loves his light up Santa!

Swinging in his PJs at the park. It was early and he was content in his PJs.

Carter deciding that he is tired of swinging and is ready for some duck action.

He loves to swing.

Carter wondering why I am taking so long to get his milk and french toast. He was more hungry then in the mood to be photographed.

1 comment:

  1. Looking good Cousin! I get to meet Santa on Sunday, we should compare stories!
