Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Monday, December 28, 2009

A Nana Bev Christmas...

We went and spent Christmas night with Nana Bev and Carter had a blast. Saturday, we went and saw Beestsie, pawpaw, Uncle John, and Aunt Mariko. Carter had so much playing with Dixie, visiting with family, and coloring.

Carter decided that it should be the other way around!

More Thomas the Train!! Carter had a train filled Christmas! He absolutely loved it. I think he said "choo-choo" the whole way home.

Nana and Carter opening presents!

"The itsy bitsy spider"

Cousin Caroline got Carter a Clemson plate set which was very much needed.

Carter with great pawpaw. He even called him "pawpaw".

Carter reading with Uncle John.

Carter with daddy and Aunt Mariko.

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