Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas tree fun!

We actually got our tree last weekend but it was a working progress to decorate it. I admit that Carter spent a good amount of time in the pack and play while we were decorating. However, he has been great staying out of it on a regular basis. He loves to point out the tree when he comes down the stairs in the morning.

"What Santa doesn't bring me..grandma will". There has never been a more true statement then that one!

Carter demanding to be let out of his high chair.

I wrapped Carter's presents in Thomas the train paper and he cannot stay away from them. He would rather admire the paper then open them.

Carter guilty as charged next to his train wrapped present.

We finally got the tree all decorated. We decided deliberately not to cut the top branch where the star sits. Al and I figured it gave the tree more personality.

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