Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Monday, December 21, 2009

Santa cookies with Uncle Nick

From the time Nick and I were kids, it has been the tradition to make Santa Claus cookies. Now they might send you into a diabetic shock, but they are the best sugar cookies EVER made. Carter was such a big helper and enjoyed the marshmellows for Santa's hat. It took Nick , Brandy, and I a few hours to make them but they are so worth it. Al enjoyed eating them rather then making them.

Our Masterpiece

It's been a year so we needed some time to practice.

Me, The Iron chef!!!

Uncle Nick wrestling with Carter. Carter will look at him and say "no Niiiiiiii". Too cute!

Carter with Mimi and Pawpaw!!! Pawpaw was full of chocolate covered pretzels and party mix. I don't think his diabetes could have tolerated a Santa cookie haha. I guess that was the hint that I needed to stay out of them as well since I had gestational diabetes with Carter = (

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