Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve with Cousin Aidan

Cousin Aidan came and spent Christmas Eve with us. We attempted to exchange gifts but Carter would not let Aidan open or play with any of his new toys..go figure. It's so hard to believe that it is already Christmas. It seems like the years just fly by. Here are a few shots of the little guys.

I think Aidan was tired of Carter stealing his toys plus his bottle.

Ha..caught in the act taking Aidan's presents!
Mr. Adorable Aidan..8 months old
Poor Aidan didn't even get to enjoy that toy because his cousin decided he wanted to play with it. Poor little guy.
Carter will one day realize that Aidan is not going to stay smaller then him forever.

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