Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Monday, December 28, 2009

A Nana Bev Christmas...

We went and spent Christmas night with Nana Bev and Carter had a blast. Saturday, we went and saw Beestsie, pawpaw, Uncle John, and Aunt Mariko. Carter had so much playing with Dixie, visiting with family, and coloring.

Carter decided that it should be the other way around!

More Thomas the Train!! Carter had a train filled Christmas! He absolutely loved it. I think he said "choo-choo" the whole way home.

Nana and Carter opening presents!

"The itsy bitsy spider"

Cousin Caroline got Carter a Clemson plate set which was very much needed.

Carter with great pawpaw. He even called him "pawpaw".

Carter reading with Uncle John.

Carter with daddy and Aunt Mariko.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!!!

This Christmas was a little more exciting for my sweet baby boy! Santa was very good to Carter this year and he earned everything he received from Santa by being a sweet boy. This Christmas, Carter received lots of trains and "saur" AKA: dinosaur things. He is also very interested in the "Little People" collection. Santa brought him the barn and air plane. Here are some shots of him on Christmas morning. We were not able to put all on here but you can click the link to view the rest on snapfish.

Carter's gifts from Santa!!!!!

Paw paw got Carter his very own Thomas the Train!!

Mimi got Carter a little Train track!
Daddy and his new kicks!
Thanks Uncle Tom, Aunt Sue, and Molly!!! Carter loves books!
His barn and plane. Uncle Nick added the "Little People" bus later on.
Carter super excited about his Santa gifts. This was not even half what was under the tree for the little guy. He took a long nap after all the excitement!
My sweet baby boy and I before we went downstairs!

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Eve with Cousin Aidan

Cousin Aidan came and spent Christmas Eve with us. We attempted to exchange gifts but Carter would not let Aidan open or play with any of his new toys..go figure. It's so hard to believe that it is already Christmas. It seems like the years just fly by. Here are a few shots of the little guys.

I think Aidan was tired of Carter stealing his toys plus his bottle.

Ha..caught in the act taking Aidan's presents!
Mr. Adorable Aidan..8 months old
Poor Aidan didn't even get to enjoy that toy because his cousin decided he wanted to play with it. Poor little guy.
Carter will one day realize that Aidan is not going to stay smaller then him forever.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Santa cookies with Uncle Nick

From the time Nick and I were kids, it has been the tradition to make Santa Claus cookies. Now they might send you into a diabetic shock, but they are the best sugar cookies EVER made. Carter was such a big helper and enjoyed the marshmellows for Santa's hat. It took Nick , Brandy, and I a few hours to make them but they are so worth it. Al enjoyed eating them rather then making them.

Our Masterpiece

It's been a year so we needed some time to practice.

Me, The Iron chef!!!

Uncle Nick wrestling with Carter. Carter will look at him and say "no Niiiiiiii". Too cute!

Carter with Mimi and Pawpaw!!! Pawpaw was full of chocolate covered pretzels and party mix. I don't think his diabetes could have tolerated a Santa cookie haha. I guess that was the hint that I needed to stay out of them as well since I had gestational diabetes with Carter = (

Christmas tree fun!

We actually got our tree last weekend but it was a working progress to decorate it. I admit that Carter spent a good amount of time in the pack and play while we were decorating. However, he has been great staying out of it on a regular basis. He loves to point out the tree when he comes down the stairs in the morning.

"What Santa doesn't bring me..grandma will". There has never been a more true statement then that one!

Carter demanding to be let out of his high chair.

I wrapped Carter's presents in Thomas the train paper and he cannot stay away from them. He would rather admire the paper then open them.

Carter guilty as charged next to his train wrapped present.

We finally got the tree all decorated. We decided deliberately not to cut the top branch where the star sits. Al and I figured it gave the tree more personality.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!
Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Visit with Sophie and the Banks

Saturday we were invited over to see Sophie and Banks at their grandparents house. Carter was so interested in all the toys that he had not seen before and is pretty bossy. We had a really good time and enjoyed seeing them. The pictures are blurry because I forgot my camera so my blackberry had to do.

Ahhh nap time after a day of playing.

Al, Jim, Carter, and Sophie. Neither of the babies look very happy to be photographed. It was close to both of their nap times.

Carter's new cousin, Banks. He was enjoying his bottle and being held by his Mimi.

Carter reading a book while Sophie supervises.

Sophie did not want another baby on her daddy..haha.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Visit with Santa

Last night we took Carter to see Santa and it appeared that Carter only preferred Santa as the plastic figure that we light up on our porch every night. It did not go over well at all. We tried everything from letting Carter sit in the chair alone while Santa peeked in behind and it didn't work. So I had to sit in with him as possibly predicted. I look terrible and was not feeling well but I had to get Carter's second Christmas photo with Santa somehow..Carter's thoughts are written all over the little guy's face.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Thanksgiving through the now...

This year was a very quiet Thanksgiving. We took Carter along with cousin Aidan to see great grandma Lucy and great pawpaw Ernest. Carter enjoyed the usual Thanksgiving food and made a complete mess. I was unfortunately unable to snap any pictures because I was not feeling well at all. We spent the rest of the holiday lounging around the house and we took Carter to the park for a couple hours to feed the ducks and play on the playground. I also took some Christmas pictures of Carter last night and getting him to stay still and look at the camera was quite the challenge. However, I think I found one out of the eighty that I took to work perfectly for our Christmas card.

Tonight we are taking the little guy to see Santa Claus. He is usually pretty good with people he doesn't know but nothing surprises me anymore. I wonder if Al or I will be recruited to sit in the picture with him. We are also going to be getting our tree tonight after we see Santa. Last year we got a furry tree AKA: Douglas Fir tree and I really enjoyed it. It was less of a mess. I think our biggest challenge will be keeping Carter out of the tree. Have you ever heard of the tree that had all the ornaments at the top of the tree? I bet many of you that have toddlers have.

I am definitely looking forward to posting the Santa pictures tomorrow!

He loves his light up Santa!

Swinging in his PJs at the park. It was early and he was content in his PJs.

Carter deciding that he is tired of swinging and is ready for some duck action.

He loves to swing.

Carter wondering why I am taking so long to get his milk and french toast. He was more hungry then in the mood to be photographed.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Baby belly 16w2d.

Today I had yet another doctor's appointment and everything looks great. Her little heartbeat was picked up on the Doppler machine and she sounds great. Looking forward to another ultrasound in four weeks for the big 20 weeks. Not quite showing yet..but maybe by Christmas the belly pics will be more interesting.

My first haircut!!!

Last Sunday, I got my first haircut and pretty much screamed the whole time Miss Laurel cut my hair. I would not sit in the chair by myself so Mimi had to hold me. Here are some of my pictures.