Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Birthday Boy!

Want to talk about a guy who has been celebrating the last year of his 20's all week? Yup..this guy! Happy 29th birthday to my wonderful husband. We love you very much!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Surprise 29!!!

Saturday, I threw a surprise birthday party for my baby daddy! While he thought I was hosting a "Pure Romance" party, I was really preparing for his surprise party. I had to come up with a way to get him out of the house (hence pure romance party) but also explain while I was cooking so much food.

What's a party without an awesome cake? The bands listed on the cake are two of Al's favorites. I told the lady not to judge me while making this cake haha.
 Nana and John came down to help bring in the big surprise!

 Unfortunately, I could not tell these two until the day of the party when I finally got Al out of the house. They love a good party!

 Hard to believe we are celebrating the last year of Al's 20s. Think this party was rad..wait until he turns 30!

 Either Carter really wanted to help blow out the candles or finally be allowed near the cake.

I will say, the party was a success. Al said he had absolutely no idea and everyone involved could not of played it off any better. I would also say that we all got him pretty good! He was very much relieved that not only did I not throw a "Pure Romance" party, but he didn't have to worry that I bought anything from that party haha.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Turkey Day!

Happy Turkey day! Hope everyone had a wonderful day! I have so much to be thankful for. We spent Thanksgiving 2012 at my Aunt's house just like last year!

Happy Thanksgiving from Carter and Layla. Carter is thankful for Karate, baseball, PPJ Sandwiches, Gracie, The Nightmare before Christmas, and mommy/daddy. Layla is thankful for daddy, lots of cheese, princesses, "milky", polished nails, and being able to go "bye-bye".
While Al  and I are thankful for each other, our two wonderful children, family near and far, Gracie, and god. We couldn't be more blessed!
Layla and Uncle chase.
We also celebrated an early family bday for Al! The big 2-9!
Last but not least, I am thankful I finally got my hands on this sweet girl, baby Aura!
Checking out his new cousin!

Monday, November 19, 2012

The next Karate Kid!

Not a whole lot going on here this weekend. Carter had Karate practice this morning and little Miss Layla and I inherited Carter's nasty sinus infection, so we had a weekend of just taking it easy. Here are some pictures of the next karate kid in action.

Monday, November 5, 2012


How cute are these two all snug and ready for bed?

Goodnight!!! Love, Carter and Layla! 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Little Dragon!

Saturday, my little man started Karate and was so excited to meet some new friends. After getting scolded a couple times by the instructor for touching the mirror and talking while his instructor was talking...I would say he started to catch on pretty quickly. I bet his pre-k teacher, Mrs. Barbara, would love for his karate instructor to be in class with him at all times.

All ready for class to begin!
I love how everyone else is running around and my sweet little guy is smiling for his mama's camera.
I hate some of these pictures turned out dark. I wasn't able to get close enough for the flash to pick up.
I love how he is still smiling after being told to fall down and get back up twenty times..haha. Let's just say we took a real good nap after Karate.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Papa Craig and Mabel

Happy November! We got to celebrate the start of November with a visit from Papa Craig and Mabel. Carter and Layla were very excited to see them and enjoyed catching up and eating pizza..their ultimate fav.