Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Happy Thanksgiving from the Atlanta Hardins! We have so much to be thankful for and are so blessed to have everything that we have: Jesus Christ in our life, our church, families, friends, food, shelter, our health (excluding this past week), our careers, and each other. We loaded up last night and went and had dinner with my family in Royston!

Our feast!

Two children not in a picture taking mood.

Aunt Debbie's famous Apple cake!

There's a smile..could the cake have something to do with it?

Layla and Aunt Lucy!

Great Paw Paw and Layla!

My gang! Mimi, my hubby, Carter, and Layla and yes there is a reason I am NOT in any photos..cough..shingles haha! Wishing all family near and far a Happy Thanksgiving!


  1. It was such a nice Thanksgiving, Mimi misses her babies already.

  2. so glad y'all had a happy thanksgiving--but so sorry everyone has been sick!! hope y'all are on the mend!
