Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Little Dragon!

Saturday, my little man started Karate and was so excited to meet some new friends. After getting scolded a couple times by the instructor for touching the mirror and talking while his instructor was talking...I would say he started to catch on pretty quickly. I bet his pre-k teacher, Mrs. Barbara, would love for his karate instructor to be in class with him at all times.

All ready for class to begin!
I love how everyone else is running around and my sweet little guy is smiling for his mama's camera.
I hate some of these pictures turned out dark. I wasn't able to get close enough for the flash to pick up.
I love how he is still smiling after being told to fall down and get back up twenty times..haha. Let's just say we took a real good nap after Karate.