Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Monday, June 4, 2012


Friday night, Al, the kids, and I drove up to Tennessee to see Papa Craig and his family. It was our first experience in a hotel EVER with the kids and well the first night did not go over too well. The kids fell asleep on the way up and were wired once we arrived to the hotel and wanted to play and explore. Unfortunately for them, Al and I were exhausted (Benedryl was our BFF on Saturday).

The pretty Mountains!
Getting ready to go see Papa Craig and family!
Cousin Mike and Layla. Those two were quite the hit with the Masons and the Lowrys.

Of course these two manage to find a playground and looks like mama forgot to pack Carter's belt.

Meeting his Great Grandpa Hardin for the first time.

Family photo!

At Great Grandma Hardins.
Layla and Grandma Hardin.

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