Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Monday, June 11, 2012


June has started off to be a very busy month for us here in Georgia. Last weekend we went to Tennessee, and this weekend, I went to Ohio. My grandma has become terminally ill and I went to visit her while she is still able to remember who I am. Here are some pictures of my trip and some of Al holding down the fort while I was away.

A beautiful church in downtown Cincinatti.

Chase and Nick waiting to go in and see Grandma. She wanted to make sure she was nice and ready to see us. The nurses call her a big diva.

My cousins Sarah and Nicholas. I haven't seen them in over 10 years.

Meeting my Uncle Gary for the first time in Springboro Cemitary.

Meeting my paw-paw Enix for the first time as well. He died a few years before I was born. I was his first granddaughter.

This dragon is over 25 years old. When Nick was a toddler, my parents drove to Ohio and he pitched a fit to stop and have his picture made with it and well he pitched a fit at 27 years old to stop and see it again.

Nick and Chase by the dragon's tail.
Meanwhile, back in the "L-ville"...everything seemed to be going swell.

Somebody talked daddy into using his iPad.

While someone else was upset that she wasn't getting to play on the iPad.

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