Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Tonight was a pretty quite night at this Hardin household other then the fact that we are going to be expecting some pretty nasty storms later on tonight. I managed to take some pictures of my munchkins right before bed.

All ready for her bath!!

Bath time is their favorite time of day!

The potty seat that Carter refuses to use all together. It is a working progress...

Excited that daddy decided to come and help out at bath time.

Two clean little butts!

These two are so silly together. You never know what kind of trouble their getting into!

Playing in Layla's crib before bed.

Carter ready to get his old bed back and Layla upset that she is going to bed. I honestly don't think Carter would have left his crib if he hadn't been forced to.

Nighty-night Carter and Layla.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter

Today was an awesome day for Al, I, and the munchkins. We started our morning off by seeing all the treats the Easter bunny left, an egg hunt, church, and finally heading up to Mimi's house for Easter dinner. It has honestly been a great but tiring day.

Here is a little video of our morning followed by some pictures of all the festivities listed above!

Looks like the Easter bunny was good to Carter and Layla just like last year. I have to give him props though..I mean what do you honestly get two children who have everything?

The Easter bunny hid eggs everywhere...

Layla more interested in what she got in her basket then the egg hunt.

Daddy was showing Carter some tricks to the famous squirt gun and no it did not contain filling it with Coca-cola and spraying cars with it..haha.

Carter was so excited to see where the Easter bunny hid all the eggs.

He even hid them in mommy's garden out back.

More eggs in the front yard.

The Easter bunny sure was busy hiding all those eggs in such a small yard.

Ah yes..that is where some creativity came in if you notice the egg on the wheel of my van.

He did not want his egg hunt to end.

Layla and Mimi!

The Easter bunny even stopped by Aunt Lucy's house for Carter and Layla.

Great grandma Lucy and Layla!

Uncle Nick opening up his Easter treats.

That completes this years egg hunt!

Great paw-paw Ernest and Layla.

Me and my overly tired pair just like last year except Layla was still in utero.

My baby girl's first Easter!

Layla and I and of course Carter ran off!

Uncle Chase loves his baby niece and of course nephew when Carter will allow it.

Carter, Layla, and daddy saying good bye to Mimi.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

More Tubes?

Last night I had to take my little man to the ER for a 103.9 fever. His school called me around lunch time informing me that he had a low grade fever of 100.6, so I went and picked the little guy up. Just when I thought things were starting to get better around here, (I guess I forgot to knock on wood) they took yet another turn. I didn't call the pediatrician right away because I thought that it was probably just a cold. After a nap and some Motrin, his fever kept rising so I went ahead and took him the ER.

Poor little guy! He was just pitiful. I learned from the Dr. that both of his tubes were out and both ears were completely filled with fluid and infected.

Mama + Binky=Safe

The Dr. also told us that it was probably time to follow back up with the ENT and get another set of tubes.

Somebody all the sudden decided that he liked the nurses when they brought him a Popsicle.

The best part about being sick for Carter..is that MIMI came down and took care of him so Al and I could have at least one full week of work (for the first time in a while).

Mimi feeding Layla..who happens to be doing very well with her new set of tubes.

Mimi going back home after Carter passed out so she could escape..haha.

After being on his antibiotics for a day, he is doing a lot better. Hoping he can go back to school for his Easter egg hunt on Thursday. Not to mention, we have "The Last Supper" at our church that evening. His ENT follow up is scheduled for next week, so hopefully we will hear some good news!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Easter Bunny

Umm..yeah..about that...
Lets just say the Easter bunny was not sad to see us go!

Looks like Carter is just not a fan of neither Santa or the Easter bunny!

Little Walker

Today Layla started walking with her little grocery cart. Any day now! Here is a little video footage of her walking! Carter tried to star in this movie too but Al decided otherwise.

Monday, April 11, 2011


Today was Miss Layla's surgery to have tubes put in both ears. We were up at 5:45a.m. to have her there at 7:00. Layla was actually a hit in the pre-op room..laughing and smiling at all the nurses..she even let the anesthesiologist hold her. I walked her back to the OR and I had to wear a sterile gown and hat to actually go in the OR. It was hard on me to see her go down but she didn't cry at all. The procedure took about 10 minutes and then I heard her wake up..I would know that cry anywhere. Her surgery was a success and she couldn't wait to get that 8 oz bottle I had secretly packed. She has napped a good bit today and like Carter, I can already tell a huge difference.

We were real chatty back in the pre-op room. I think I was doing all the worrying for her.

For not having anything to eat at all, she acted really well!

Me looking a little rough from being up all night worrying..not to mention, this sterile yellow gown didn't help. This was right before we took her back.

Daddy feeding her that well deserved 8 oz bottle in the recovery room. It was gone in like 2 minutes!

Meanwhile..the pro decided to join us this morning for the surgery, juice and all. Carter stayed as far away as possible from anyone in scrubs for it wasn't too long ago that he had tubes put in.

Poor baby..wore out and hungry. She took a long nap when we got home! As said above, I can already tell she is starting to feel better.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunday Afternoon

The weather down here has been so awesome that after church we decided to go to the park and enjoy the nice weather! The kids had a blast. Here are some pictures of our afternoon.

Quite the little climber!


Layla really loves the swing. She would swing all day if we would let her.

Little pink cheeks..looks like mama was slacking on the sunscreen.

The slide is his favorite part.

As much as he loves going down it..he also loves climbing it.

Layla discovering more to the swing LOL.

Today was an awesome Sunday. We went to church and got refreshed for the week and spent the day at the park and with family. Tomorrow little Layla has her surgery. I will be sure to keep everyone updated on her progress!