Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Saturday, September 25, 2010

While I have been out

I am still in Texas and it is really crazy out here. Anyone ever heard of a town called Mineral Wells? It is honestly like some Texas Chainsaw Massacre town..creepy. Last night our team of nine risked a night of sleep and went to Dallas and had a blast. Meanwhile back in Lawrenceville, Al is holding down the fort pretty well..the kids are doing just fine (no gripes or complaints). Carter still comes and tries to find me in the bathroom every morning and always asks Al about him. I can't wait to get home to them. Three more days!!!!!

Some tummy time..daddy is on point!

Carter loving on his sister. He is always so curious about her and what she is doing. Of course, she is quite entertained by what trouble he gets into as well.

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