Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Bye-bye Mama

Today was a very sad day for us. I left for Texas for two weeks and had to leave my family behind. It was hard to leave Carter last year for England but this year was even tougher because not only was I leaving him but also, Layla. I hope she remembers me when I come back. I am going to call and talk to them everyday on the phone. It is only day one and I wish I was already on a flight back home. Goodbyes are never fun; however, I know Al will do a great job as Mr. Mom. Carter and Layla are so blessed to have such an awesome daddy..not many men could stay home with two children while their wife is out serving their country.

Last picture for two weeks.
Holding back my tears.
Goodbyes are never fun.
I tried preparing Carter that I was going to be leaving and that I would call him everyday and that I love him very much.
I am going to miss them so much. Al is going to send me pictures out here so I can update the blog. I am also going to update it on my trip to Texas. A lot of what I am doing is classified information but I can show some of the pictures.

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