Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Pedicures and Potatoes

Somebody is turning into a BIG GIRL! Al and I decided with the go ahead from our pediatrician to start Layla on some solid foods. Today's menu consisted of rice cereal for the a.m. meal and some sweet potatoes for her p.m. meal. I have never seen a baby consume a jar of baby food quicker then Layla did today. She loves her solid food and it keeps her from drinking so much milk so frequently. Like her momma, she loves to eat. With that being said, her and I also love getting pedicures. I think Layla enjoyed her pampering.

Happy and covered in sweet potatoes.
Messy girl!
Full of sweet potatoes and ready for her pedicure!
Warm water....
Got the toes ready...
and her lotioned up and painted.
Drying off.
Oh and by the way, we can say goodbye to size two diapers because Layla is now in a three..haha.

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