Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Week Wrap Up

This week has been a crazy week for us (too short). Tomorrow I am leaving for two weeks with the Air Force to go to Dallas, Texas. I really going to miss these guys. Here are some pictures from the last week. I am going to have Al send me pictures everyday so I can continue to keep up with the blog and also blog on my military tour.
Such a big helper to his sister.
Daddy and Layla exchanging glances.
Layla's facial expression after a bite of peas.
Carter still loves a nice stroll in his little red car!
The weather has been nice and cool. Perfect for an evening stroll.
My friend made Layla this head band..so adorable.
Pretty girl.
Playing on her sheep from Nana Bev.
She is almost too big for this car seat. I will miss her four month check up this week but I will have Al update me with the stats.
Could we be more serious?
I think he was telling me to get out with the camera. I am really going to miss these guys! It is so hard to leave my kids.

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