Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Fall is in the air

I love walking outside after a super hot summer and smell the scent of fall on its way. The cool air, the falling leaves, and the shortening days..this is definitely my favorite season.

Pretty girl!
Enjoying the fall weather.
Sitting up like a big girl.

Along with making odd faces.

Enjoying the cool water on his summer pool. It is about time to put it away.

Carter loves to rock!

I love this little boy!

Tummy Time!

I am so glad to be home to be able to paparazi my munchkins again. Layla has definitely added a few new tricks to her trade while I was away.


Pushing mostly all the way up and rolling over. I managed to capture her on video rolling all over the floor.
Being super talkative and smiley!
Eating more solids. She has finished all her veggies and is starting fruits. So far her favorites are carrots and bananas.
Not to mention, her teeth are starting to come in...
and of course, trouble was there every step of the way being an awesome big brother while I was away. Carter helped daddy out a lot with "Waywa".

Saturday, September 25, 2010

While I have been out

I am still in Texas and it is really crazy out here. Anyone ever heard of a town called Mineral Wells? It is honestly like some Texas Chainsaw Massacre town..creepy. Last night our team of nine risked a night of sleep and went to Dallas and had a blast. Meanwhile back in Lawrenceville, Al is holding down the fort pretty well..the kids are doing just fine (no gripes or complaints). Carter still comes and tries to find me in the bathroom every morning and always asks Al about him. I can't wait to get home to them. Three more days!!!!!

Some tummy time..daddy is on point!

Carter loving on his sister. He is always so curious about her and what she is doing. Of course, she is quite entertained by what trouble he gets into as well.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Bye-bye Mama

Today was a very sad day for us. I left for Texas for two weeks and had to leave my family behind. It was hard to leave Carter last year for England but this year was even tougher because not only was I leaving him but also, Layla. I hope she remembers me when I come back. I am going to call and talk to them everyday on the phone. It is only day one and I wish I was already on a flight back home. Goodbyes are never fun; however, I know Al will do a great job as Mr. Mom. Carter and Layla are so blessed to have such an awesome daddy..not many men could stay home with two children while their wife is out serving their country.

Last picture for two weeks.
Holding back my tears.
Goodbyes are never fun.
I tried preparing Carter that I was going to be leaving and that I would call him everyday and that I love him very much.
I am going to miss them so much. Al is going to send me pictures out here so I can update the blog. I am also going to update it on my trip to Texas. A lot of what I am doing is classified information but I can show some of the pictures.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Week Wrap Up

This week has been a crazy week for us (too short). Tomorrow I am leaving for two weeks with the Air Force to go to Dallas, Texas. I really going to miss these guys. Here are some pictures from the last week. I am going to have Al send me pictures everyday so I can continue to keep up with the blog and also blog on my military tour.
Such a big helper to his sister.
Daddy and Layla exchanging glances.
Layla's facial expression after a bite of peas.
Carter still loves a nice stroll in his little red car!
The weather has been nice and cool. Perfect for an evening stroll.
My friend made Layla this head band..so adorable.
Pretty girl.
Playing on her sheep from Nana Bev.
She is almost too big for this car seat. I will miss her four month check up this week but I will have Al update me with the stats.
Could we be more serious?
I think he was telling me to get out with the camera. I am really going to miss these guys! It is so hard to leave my kids.

Monday, September 6, 2010

First trip to the ZOO!

We spent our Labor Day at the Zoo. Carter loved getting to name all the animals he always sees in his story books. It made it all real. We saw some interesting critters today and had a awesome time. Carter was so excited to be there and I think our outing wore out the little munchkins because the Zoo was really zoo..a zoo of people that is.

Carter's favorite! The elephants!
Good eatin right there..haha.
Carter also loves the zebras. I would say he loves them all but the zebra is definitely a 2nd favorite.
Excited to see whatever we could see through the crowd.
Layla getting a little steamy in the back.
A dancing panda.
Al and I also had a blast. Watching Carter was all we needed to enjoy ourselves.

The merekats were so cute lying on their backs.
The alligator. Another Carter favorite. What a great Labor Day!

Visit from cousin Tyler

Sunday, cousin Tyler and Noah came and hung out with us. It was a blast getting to see them and seeing how much they had grown.

My living room quickly became a complete mess. A five year old + two year old + thirteen month old + 3 month old =disaster.
There was individual playing...
and there was sibling rivalries...
sibling love...
And cousinly love. Carter and Tyler had their first cousinly fight over a Thomas the Train and after taking a hit from a five year old, Carter held his own and went in for the tackle..haha. Too bad I was more concerned about separating them then taking pictures of the hilarious brawl.