Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day and 2nd birthday Carter!

Today was Carter and I special day together. While I am so blessed to be celebrating mother's day because of Carter, he was celebrating his 2nd birthday with me. I am so blessed to be this little guy's mommy..I think he is definitely a keeper. I love you Carter!

Carter and I
Such a little gentlemen..bringing mommy flowers while I was in the shower. Of course daddy was not being camera shy for the flower delivery!
I noticed that my flowers were put in places that a woman who is 40 weeks pregnant could not miss..#1 being the kitchen table...and........
#2 being the bathroom!
Carter and daddy getting ready for cake.
Carter's little cake since we had the big one last Saturday.
Make a wish..
A shirtless Carter enjoying his cake. It is a good thing seeing how messy he gets.

YAY! Another dinosaur outfit. I swear this kid could clothe the army in dinosaur clothing and then some.
Super Why toys! You can't find them anywhere. I am so sick of seeing Dora crap everywhere. The shows he actually watches..you can't find the toys.

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