Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Monday, May 10, 2010

39 weeks 6 days!

Ok, so tomorrow is officially my due date and my 40 week appointment. So much for the myth that second babies come sooner. I am really starting to think that is just to keep us second timers going once we see the pink plus sign on the pregnancy test or the first 6 or 7 vomiting sessions. It's hopeful news that this will not last as long as the first. I, however beg to differ. Here is my 39 week belly with Carter and my 39 week belly with baby girl Hardin.

May 7th, 2008. That was the night my water broke. I love comparing the two. Carter was definitely much lower then baby girl Hardin. My belly button did not pop out with Carter.
May 7th 2010. No progress from last week. Still 1cm dilated and 50% effaced. Hopefully tomorrow there is a change that labor will be soon. On a positive note, Carter and her will not be sharing a birthday.

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