Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Friday, May 28, 2010

2 week wrap up!

These last two weeks have been really crazy for this Hardin household. Carter started his summer preschool program at the church this past Monday and really seems to be thriving and enjoying it a lot..except when I drop him off in the mornings. That part is as hard for me as it is for him. I can't believe Layla is already two weeks old. She is doing really well. She is eating good and gaining properly (yes, even though she was 10 lbs at birth..haha). She is becoming more alert and awake during the day now. She is a great little sleeper. She wakes up twice during the night..eats..and goes right back to sleep. Al and I consider ourselves very lucky to have had two great little sleepers. We think she will eventually take after her big brother and be sleeping through the night soon (knock on wood). However, I live for the day that I can get them on the same routine.

Layla with great grandma Lucy. Lucy's mother was also named Layla.

Carter on his first day of preschool! Someone was a little cranky and not up for any pictures! He had also taken a nice fall down the stairs and has a nice shiner on his eye. Great first impression for school on our part.

Daddy with his babies!

She will sleep in the pack n play..but only on her side.

This was before she realized that she was wet!

Such a good big brother!

Photo shoot gone really wrong.

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