Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day!

Memorial Day is great day to celebrate all the fellow soldiers that have served before me, that have served with me, and that will serve after me. Thank you so much for all that you do. Without our military, we would not have all the freedoms that we have today. So many special people in my life have served in our military during contingency operations:

Ben Skardon: WWII and the Korean War, US Army
Alvin Skardon: WWII, US Army
Steven Skardon: WWII, US Army
Hooper Skardon: WWII, US Army
Bubba Golden: WWII, USMC
John Skardon: Honor Guard, US Army
Ernest A. Gardner: Korean War, US Air Force
Curnis Enix: WWII, US Army
Craig Hardin: Desert Storm, US Air Force
James Enix: Vietnam War, US Navy
Alvin Hardin: War on Terrorism, USMC
Christina Scott: War on Terrorism, USMC
Travis Watson: War on Terrorism, USMC
My unit..HOOAH to the 94th Services Squadron, Dobbins AFB!

There are so many more that Al and I could add to the list. Here are a few pictures of myself, family, and friends.
There is truly no greater feeling or honor.
Paw-Paw Skardon, one of the many true American heroes!
Travis Watson, another true American Hero.
Travis's unit in the desert.
Lcpl. Christina Scott (my BFF) another true American hero.

Our new uniforms. This was taken at Mildenhall AFB, England.

Some of my friends that I have stayed in touch with through the years. My tech school graduation August 2006.

My unit at Dobbins. We were preparing to do the gas chamber. Very painful FYI.
Lcpl. Christina Scott, USMC MWSS 471 and SrA. Haley Hardin, USAF 94th SVS. Christina and I have been best friends since our freshman year at Brookwood and both enlisted in the military shortly after high school.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Splish Splash


We decided that we couldn't make a beach trip for Memorial Day weekend this year so we decided to bring the beach to us. Of course there are a few exceptions that were made. Carter had a blast playing in the water and I think Al enjoyed it as much as he did.

Very mature daddy!

Our version of the beach. We had the water and the sandbox right next to it.

Carter enjoying the water!

Carter and daddy.

Some prefer to just stay in the water....

While others..prefer to stay out and sun bathe on the beach all day! I hope Layla doesn't mind a farmer's tan from where her little mittens were.

I guess she decided that she didn't want a farmer's tan on her face from the sunglasses either..haha.

Cute little sandy feet.

Friday, May 28, 2010

2 week wrap up!

These last two weeks have been really crazy for this Hardin household. Carter started his summer preschool program at the church this past Monday and really seems to be thriving and enjoying it a lot..except when I drop him off in the mornings. That part is as hard for me as it is for him. I can't believe Layla is already two weeks old. She is doing really well. She is eating good and gaining properly (yes, even though she was 10 lbs at birth..haha). She is becoming more alert and awake during the day now. She is a great little sleeper. She wakes up twice during the night..eats..and goes right back to sleep. Al and I consider ourselves very lucky to have had two great little sleepers. We think she will eventually take after her big brother and be sleeping through the night soon (knock on wood). However, I live for the day that I can get them on the same routine.

Layla with great grandma Lucy. Lucy's mother was also named Layla.

Carter on his first day of preschool! Someone was a little cranky and not up for any pictures! He had also taken a nice fall down the stairs and has a nice shiner on his eye. Great first impression for school on our part.

Daddy with his babies!

She will sleep in the pack n play..but only on her side.

This was before she realized that she was wet!

Such a good big brother!

Photo shoot gone really wrong.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Layla Nicole Hardin

May 14th, 2010 at exactly 11:00 pm, Miss Layla Nicole Hardin finally decided to make her appearance in this world. Weighing in at a big whopping 10lbs 4oz and measuring in at 23 1/4 inches long..it's amazing how I was even able to breathe.

Weight: 10lbs 4oz >95%
Height: 23 1/4 in >95%
HC: 38cm >95%

A lot has been going on these last few days..we are trying to get use to having a new baby around the house and I am trying to recover the best way I know how without over doing it. Here are a few pictures of our hospital stay and last few days.

Waiting on our baby girl!
Everything waiting on Miss Layla!
I definitely did not see this coming. They told me either I developed the gestational diabetes after my 28th week of pregnancy or my due date was off and she was late or both. Layla's sugars were a little low at birth and because of her weight she had to go on a formula diet until my milk came in.

Getting ready to go home! Layla looking like a Buddha..haha.
Getting ready to leave the hospital with our new little edition.

Carter has been a great big brother. He still is a little confused about her..he really does not acknowledge her all that much.
Little Miss Layla. When I was baby I looked just liked this. I had jet black hair and a lot of it. However, I did not weigh 10lbs and am not olive skinned. Mimi was proud to take the credit on the olive skin.
Carter wanted to hold the baby. This is before he started the "she does not exist phase".

Today we went back to pediatrician for her well baby check and she is in perfect health. The place on her head from where they used the vacuum has healed and her sugars and weight are great. Her stats are still off the charts. Layla, so far is taking after big brother Carter. She is a good little eater and only cries when she is hungry. She is eating about every three hours and sleeping well.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Best part of the day!

BATH TIME!!!!!!!

It definitely means that my day is on a downhill slide from here. Carter loves bath time and would honestly stay in the tub all night if we would let him.

Just what do you think you are doing? I leave for a second (yay..parent of the year award..right here) and the second I come back..I find this. A accident waiting to happen.

Coloring in the bath. Thanks Nana Bev..my shower walls love this as much as Carter does..haha.

Carter realizing he can make his own bubbles by passing gas in the tub. He finds it very amusing.

A wild boy with a clean set of locks!

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Taaaadaaaaaaaaaaaaa..the finished product. He was really tired of the camera at this point.

Monday, May 10, 2010

39 weeks 6 days!

Ok, so tomorrow is officially my due date and my 40 week appointment. So much for the myth that second babies come sooner. I am really starting to think that is just to keep us second timers going once we see the pink plus sign on the pregnancy test or the first 6 or 7 vomiting sessions. It's hopeful news that this will not last as long as the first. I, however beg to differ. Here is my 39 week belly with Carter and my 39 week belly with baby girl Hardin.

May 7th, 2008. That was the night my water broke. I love comparing the two. Carter was definitely much lower then baby girl Hardin. My belly button did not pop out with Carter.
May 7th 2010. No progress from last week. Still 1cm dilated and 50% effaced. Hopefully tomorrow there is a change that labor will be soon. On a positive note, Carter and her will not be sharing a birthday.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Happy Mother's Day and 2nd birthday Carter!

Today was Carter and I special day together. While I am so blessed to be celebrating mother's day because of Carter, he was celebrating his 2nd birthday with me. I am so blessed to be this little guy's mommy..I think he is definitely a keeper. I love you Carter!

Carter and I
Such a little gentlemen..bringing mommy flowers while I was in the shower. Of course daddy was not being camera shy for the flower delivery!
I noticed that my flowers were put in places that a woman who is 40 weeks pregnant could not miss..#1 being the kitchen table...and........
#2 being the bathroom!
Carter and daddy getting ready for cake.
Carter's little cake since we had the big one last Saturday.
Make a wish..
A shirtless Carter enjoying his cake. It is a good thing seeing how messy he gets.

YAY! Another dinosaur outfit. I swear this kid could clothe the army in dinosaur clothing and then some.
Super Why toys! You can't find them anywhere. I am so sick of seeing Dora crap everywhere. The shows he actually watches..you can't find the toys.