Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Monday, April 26, 2010


This was not a good weekend for little Carter. I noticed Saturday that he was not quite himself and on Sunday he kept pulling on his ears and a fever of 102 degrees spiked very quickly. He kept telling me "mama ears". We took him to a urgent care facility to find out that his tubes are no longer intact and that more then likely they will have to be replaced. At his check-up in March, they were still in place. It is funny how quickly things can change in a matter of weeks. I just hope Carter starts feeling better before Saturday. We are celebrating his birthday party with family and friends a week early because we will not know my status with how close my due date and his real birthday are.

Trying to stay awake after pitching a fit at the doctors. I think he wore himself out.

Holding his little ear!


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