Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Lazy Saturday

Saturday was a chill day at this Hardin household. I got my herbs planted in my garden, the house cleaned, and some baby gear put together. It was actually more a productive weekend than a lazy one. Saturday night, we had some of my college friends come over and their baby boy, Noel.

Baby Noel, 6 months old.
Carter wanting to crawl like a baby.
Paw-paw's idea of babysitting while I was doing my yard work. Great job paw-paw!
Daddy and Carter playing outside.
No shoes..no shirt..no problem..not for Carter, whom inherited daddy's super fair complexion. While mommy was catching a nice tan..daddy and Carter were loaded up in SPF 50.
For being nine months pregnant..this was some skill: Cilantro, Basil, Oregano, and Rosemary. I still have to put in my tomatoes, parsley, and flowers..but that is what Sunday is for.

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