Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Friday, April 2, 2010

Belated 18 Month Check up!

Today, Carter had his very much needed 18 month check up that I had been meaning to schedule for a while now; however, he had been so ill with ear infections that it delayed his check ups. Well as of today, he is all caught up. We went ahead and did his 18 month and 2 year old check up. His stats are as follows:

Weight: 27lbs 35%
Height: 36in 95%
Head Circumference: 49 cm 55%

Carter has made so much progress since he had his ear surgery. An occasional bug here and there but we can live with that. Carter also received his DTAP and Hepatitis A vaccine which did not make him happy. Poor baby! The Dr. said Carter is developing very well. His language skills are very advanced for his age and his physical development is right where it should be.

Carter and I waiting on Dr. Shah to come in!
Still waiting.....
Carter decided that he was very interested in the tools he found in the drawers. I think we may a little Dr. on our hands.
Trying to make his escape after he word the word "shots" as a pleural.
34 weeks! 6 or less to go!

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