Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Egg Fun!!!!

Every year since I was a child it has been the tradition to dye Easter eggs. I want to keep the tradition going with my own children. Uncle Nick and Brandy came to also join the fun. This Easter is definitely going to be interesting because Carter understands the Easter bunny and egg hunts!

Carter admiring the messy work we just did. He had a blast dying the eggs!
Carter loves coloring with street chalk..as you can see, this is what my back patio has turned into.
Brandy and Carter.

After all that coloring outside, someone decided they were tired and sleepy

Carter?.....Guess again..that is his cousin, Aidan!! Although they do look super alike. Aidan will celebrate his 1st birthday party on Monday. Happy Birthday Aidan! We got the boys together for Easter!

Carter at 12 months.

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