Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Monday, April 26, 2010


This was not a good weekend for little Carter. I noticed Saturday that he was not quite himself and on Sunday he kept pulling on his ears and a fever of 102 degrees spiked very quickly. He kept telling me "mama ears". We took him to a urgent care facility to find out that his tubes are no longer intact and that more then likely they will have to be replaced. At his check-up in March, they were still in place. It is funny how quickly things can change in a matter of weeks. I just hope Carter starts feeling better before Saturday. We are celebrating his birthday party with family and friends a week early because we will not know my status with how close my due date and his real birthday are.

Trying to stay awake after pitching a fit at the doctors. I think he wore himself out.

Holding his little ear!


Monday, April 12, 2010

Any day now!

This week is officially my 36th week of pregnancy. Time seriously flies. Due to some consistent contractions I had at my 34th week Dr.'s visit, I have been going once a week since then. We have spent the last few weekends preparing for her arrival. Next week, it's time to whip out the old wives tale "eggplant Parmesan" and pray she comes before Carter's 2nd birthday.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Lazy Saturday

Saturday was a chill day at this Hardin household. I got my herbs planted in my garden, the house cleaned, and some baby gear put together. It was actually more a productive weekend than a lazy one. Saturday night, we had some of my college friends come over and their baby boy, Noel.

Baby Noel, 6 months old.
Carter wanting to crawl like a baby.
Paw-paw's idea of babysitting while I was doing my yard work. Great job paw-paw!
Daddy and Carter playing outside.
No shoes..no shirt..no problem..not for Carter, whom inherited daddy's super fair complexion. While mommy was catching a nice tan..daddy and Carter were loaded up in SPF 50.
For being nine months pregnant..this was some skill: Cilantro, Basil, Oregano, and Rosemary. I still have to put in my tomatoes, parsley, and flowers..but that is what Sunday is for.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Italian restaurant baby model

We have all seen the pictures of babies on the walls at Italian restaurants covered in Spaghetti. I think we have a baby that is up for competing to be the new wall model. Except he will be advertising ravioli, not spaghetti.

Matter of fact, Carter loves Italian food so much that he also loves wearing it!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Easter Egg Hunt #2

Easter Sunday we always go to my grandparent's home near Commerce, GA and eat Easter dinner. When we were kids, my cousins and I always did a Easter egg hunt. Now that we are all grown, they made one for Carter. He had a blast not having anyone to compete with yet.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Gatlinburg Aquarium

It took me a while to post these pictures because the day we went to aquarium I forgot my camera. My friend Wendy was able to e-mail me some of the aquarium pictures that she took with her camera for us.

I don't think Carter was very crazy over the massive shark teeth.

Carter and I in front of the shark teeth.

Looking over to try and touch a shell crab.

I came to the realization that sword fish have really funny faces.
A shark!

A grouper. These guys like the dark shaded areas.

Enough said there....

Huge crabs. I think we were picturing them boiled with a side bake potato and some melted butter for dipping.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter!

He has risen...

Easter 2010 was a great success this year. The Easter bunny sure did visit us last night and hid several eggs all over the house. Carter had a blast finding them.

Looks like the Easter Bunny was very good to this Hardin household.
What the Easter Bunny left Carter.
Excited about his Easter basket.
Carter getting ready to go on his Easter egg hunt
The Easter Bunny was trying to be creative on where to hide the eggs...
Oh yeah, it just kept getting better...

Carter happy he found an egg outside!
I think I see one!
Carter going to the backyard with his basket to see if the Easter Bunny left some out there.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Easter Egg Fun!!!!

Every year since I was a child it has been the tradition to dye Easter eggs. I want to keep the tradition going with my own children. Uncle Nick and Brandy came to also join the fun. This Easter is definitely going to be interesting because Carter understands the Easter bunny and egg hunts!

Carter admiring the messy work we just did. He had a blast dying the eggs!
Carter loves coloring with street chalk..as you can see, this is what my back patio has turned into.
Brandy and Carter.

After all that coloring outside, someone decided they were tired and sleepy

Carter?.....Guess again..that is his cousin, Aidan!! Although they do look super alike. Aidan will celebrate his 1st birthday party on Monday. Happy Birthday Aidan! We got the boys together for Easter!

Carter at 12 months.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Belated 18 Month Check up!

Today, Carter had his very much needed 18 month check up that I had been meaning to schedule for a while now; however, he had been so ill with ear infections that it delayed his check ups. Well as of today, he is all caught up. We went ahead and did his 18 month and 2 year old check up. His stats are as follows:

Weight: 27lbs 35%
Height: 36in 95%
Head Circumference: 49 cm 55%

Carter has made so much progress since he had his ear surgery. An occasional bug here and there but we can live with that. Carter also received his DTAP and Hepatitis A vaccine which did not make him happy. Poor baby! The Dr. said Carter is developing very well. His language skills are very advanced for his age and his physical development is right where it should be.

Carter and I waiting on Dr. Shah to come in!
Still waiting.....
Carter decided that he was very interested in the tools he found in the drawers. I think we may a little Dr. on our hands.
Trying to make his escape after he word the word "shots" as a pleural.
34 weeks! 6 or less to go!