Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Friday night cupcakes!

One of mimi's friends had her bridal shower this weekend at my mimi's work, so Carter and I decided to make her a little something sweet. Carter loves cupcakes and was such a big help in making them. When I say making them, I mean watching every second until their done baking for him to eat.

The start of a great cupcake!

The mixed batter

Carter reaching down to help mix up the powder the mixer missed.

I love this sweet little boy!

Carter was so excited about the cupcakes..he had to watch them bake.


Almost ready..

Nothing better then washing an un-iced cupcake down with a sippy cup full of cold milk. Carter would not wait for me to ice his.

The finished product.

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