Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Baby Crockett

Yet another quiet weekend at the Hardin residence. I had my Air Force drill this weekend and the weather was so cold that Carter stayed in. I was searching for a scarf in the closet when I came across a raccoon skinned hat (Redneck). I think we bought it years ago as a joke but I decided that I was going to put it on Carter for a laugh. Carter ended up loving that hat so much that we had to hide it because he would not take it off.

Excited about his new hat..haha!

No fear, Baby Crockett is here!

Baby Crockett, age 20 months..he actually turned 20 months this weekend! YAY!

If you were to cut the tail off, the back of his head would look like a small version of Bill Clinton. We just won't do that one.

Baby Crockett playing cars!

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