Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Baby girl Hardin

At 20 weeks, I had my big ultrasound and got some good shots of baby girl Hardin. I am now 23 weeks and she is weighing in at a little over a pound and measuring about 13 inches. She is moving more and more everyday now and I am starting to feel a lot better..haha. My scrubs at work are starting to feel snug so I am thinking it is getting close to start wearing maternity clothes. We are starting to get things ready for our little girl. The nursery is going to start being weekend projects for Al and I.

Here she is looking right at us!

Her little mouth is open. "Hi mom and dad"!

Profile pic. She has her little thumb right above her nose.

Her little foot

A chunky little leg! So precious!

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