Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Friday night cupcakes!

One of mimi's friends had her bridal shower this weekend at my mimi's work, so Carter and I decided to make her a little something sweet. Carter loves cupcakes and was such a big help in making them. When I say making them, I mean watching every second until their done baking for him to eat.

The start of a great cupcake!

The mixed batter

Carter reaching down to help mix up the powder the mixer missed.

I love this sweet little boy!

Carter was so excited about the cupcakes..he had to watch them bake.


Almost ready..

Nothing better then washing an un-iced cupcake down with a sippy cup full of cold milk. Carter would not wait for me to ice his.

The finished product.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Dinosaur "Saur" Pajamas

Tuesday, I went to Baby Gap to do some shopping when I can across a pair of fleece Pj's with dinosaurs on them. I knew right away that Carter would absolutely love them, so I went ahead and bought them. After bath time that evening, I dressed little Mr. Prince Charming in his "saur" pjs. It's funny because I just got him over the raccoon skinned hat phase and now he will not take off these pjs. He will look down at his pjs and "rooooooaaaaaaar" like a dinosaur. You must know, in fifteen years he will so deny this. I took some pictures over the past week of Carter in his "saur" pjs. I got super tired of washing them everyday.

Carter being "very" devious in his "saur" pjs. I think the red eyes add the perfect touch!

Al: "Carter I am going to bathe you and wash these pajamas. They STINK"!!!!

Carter being devious lead him right into timeout! Don't let that face fool you.

Got to love temper tantrums!

"Momma get out of the way while Dinosaur Train is on..your momma isn't a glass maker".

Clean baby is a fresh new pair of Pjs!!! We hid the dinosaur pjs FYI.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Baby girl Hardin

At 20 weeks, I had my big ultrasound and got some good shots of baby girl Hardin. I am now 23 weeks and she is weighing in at a little over a pound and measuring about 13 inches. She is moving more and more everyday now and I am starting to feel a lot better..haha. My scrubs at work are starting to feel snug so I am thinking it is getting close to start wearing maternity clothes. We are starting to get things ready for our little girl. The nursery is going to start being weekend projects for Al and I.

Here she is looking right at us!

Her little mouth is open. "Hi mom and dad"!

Profile pic. She has her little thumb right above her nose.

Her little foot

A chunky little leg! So precious!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Baby Crockett

Yet another quiet weekend at the Hardin residence. I had my Air Force drill this weekend and the weather was so cold that Carter stayed in. I was searching for a scarf in the closet when I came across a raccoon skinned hat (Redneck). I think we bought it years ago as a joke but I decided that I was going to put it on Carter for a laugh. Carter ended up loving that hat so much that we had to hide it because he would not take it off.

Excited about his new hat..haha!

No fear, Baby Crockett is here!

Baby Crockett, age 20 months..he actually turned 20 months this weekend! YAY!

If you were to cut the tail off, the back of his head would look like a small version of Bill Clinton. We just won't do that one.

Baby Crockett playing cars!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Years!! 2010!

This New Years was a quiet one. We decided that we didn't want to be out in all the traffic so we just stayed home and ordered take out. I was so exhausted that I didn't even make it to watch the ball drop. Carter enjoyed New Years day by watching his favorite shows, playing with his new toys, and going outside.

Playing with daddy!

Baby Huey enjoying his New Year's bath!
The almighty mohawk is back!
Carter loves his train!
He finally figured out how to get on it all by himself.