Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Special Juice

This time of the year always seems to be the toughest on Carter. I don't know if it is allergies, the heat, daycare, who knows? However, it seems that he is staying congested. He gets over a sinus infection and an antibiotic just to develop a cough. Unfortunately when Carter was going through his ear problems, he took several medicines that have terrified him to ever trust any kind of medication again. So Al and I came up with "special juice". Now this "special juice" isn't like any other..it contains the right potion to make Carter feel better. AKA: We just squirt the cough syrup or antibiotic in his juice or milk and shake it up (works every time). And yes, for you skeptics..it works! This cough syrup makes Carter a little loopy and tired but still does not keep him out of mischief.
Playing with Layla's sheep when he knows he is not suppose to. I couldn't help but laugh.
One word: TROUBLE
He baffles me....

Layla just witnesses all the mischief take place. Carter has to realize that she will one day be able to say more then just baby babble.
Eating dinner and downing that special juice!

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