Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Guess WHO?

Layla, mama, daddy, or Carter..you decide!

Layla..nope that is her mother dearest a few months after February 1987.
This is Layla.
Layla in the exact same suit I wore as a newborn baby.
Me a few days old in the same outfit that Layla is in above. My hair was as jet black and I also had a little jaundice. Doesn't everyone love Pam's 1980's nightgown..haha.
Mama in a very 80's bouncy seat or maybe these were the car seats. I love how I was just stuck in there. Sometimes, like my children I had the look like "QUIT TAKING PICTURES"!
Layla..nope! That's her mama at 3 months old. I was just skinnier. Add another five pounds to me here..you get Layla..haha.
Ah Bev..I love that my husband was bathed in the sink. Some more 80's kinks. Al and I think this kinda looks like Banks.

Nick (left) and Michael (right) (my brothers). I think Carter is a spitting image of Nick.
Bev, holding her first grandson in May 2008, Carter Riley Hardin!
Bev, holding his daddy in December of 1983!

1 comment:

  1. OMG..Layla is a spitting image of you! I love all the old and new baby pics of you two and the kids. Can't wait to see y'all this Sunday! Love you.
