Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Saturday, August 14, 2010

27 and 1/4

At 27 months Carter has become quite the little talker. He is a little mocking bird. You really have to watch what you say to this little guy because he will repeat it and sure cannot keep a secret. He sings his ABC's very clearly and his favorite song is Twinkle twinkle little Star. He doesn't understand the definition of "walk" but then again, what two year old does. He is all boy..he loves Thomas the Train, getting dirty, Nick Jr. TV, dinosaurs, and too many sippy cups full of juice. It's hard to believe how fast he has grown. I miss him being as little as Layla, but I also enjoy every stage he has gone through.
Carter at three months old.
He looks so different now. It is hard to believe it is the same little boy sometimes! They grow so fast!
Carter and I when he was three months. I am so blessed to have such two beautiful, healthy children. I love them so much and couldn't be prouder to be their mom!
My little man all grown up. He didn't want a crown or cake..instead, he settled for some cheese, crackers, and applesauce. I guess he had the "been there, done that" attitude..haha.
He had his own little feast and celebrating going on. As long as he has some juice (which is very diluted by the way), he is very happy!

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