Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The return of Red Beard

Here are some pictures wrapping up the end of January for Carter. A few are of Carter eating his favorite food, "skeeti" normally pronounced "Spaghetti". January was a good month for us overall other then being trapped in the house a lot due to the rain and cold weather. According to General Beau Lee (The Yellow River groundhog), spring should be well on it's way!

Bath time came early this day!

Captain Red Beard arggghhhhhhhhh. For those of you who were fans of Scooby Doo know the famous "Red Beard".

Whats a fork, when I can use my hands?

The dinosaur Pj's were recovered and ready to worn. Most importantly, they were washed.

Carter bundled up watching Super Why with his stuffed "saur" and "saur" blanket.

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