Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Friday, February 12, 2010

27 Weeks!!!

This week was my 27th week of pregnancy. With Carter, I did not take many belly photos but out of the few that I did take..I was 27 weeks along. So I decided to make a comparison between the two. Baby girl Hardin is doing just fine. She is approximately weighing around 2.4 lbs and measuring around 14.5 in. She is starting to get covered in her cute little baby fat. Al and I are going to my glucose tolerance test on Tuesday followed by a 4D ultrasound.

27w4d with baby girl Hardin. I think I am busting out just a tad bit more this time. Not unusual for pregnancies conceived under 18 months after baby #1 (AA OB/GYN)

Carter Riley Hardin in mommy's tummy 27w4d.

I know it's a little blurry but Al worked a lot when I was pregnant with Carter so I took a lot of my own belly pictures. It seems I had a darker complexion with Carter then I do this time around..or maybe it is those electric green shorts (don't ask).

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