Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Baby Update

Tuesday, we went and had a 4D ultrasound and baby girl Hardin is looking good. She is in the head first downward position and likes chewing on her umbilical cord, sucking on her toes, and hiding her face in the placenta. She also decided that she was going to take after her brother and only give us some profile pictures.

Do not disturb
Here she has her foot up and the umbilical cord breezing across her nose.
Cuddled up next to the placenta. If I could do it all over again, I would be next to the food source too.

The cord floating under her chin.


  1. Such a beautiful family. I bet her daddy and your brothers are going to spoil her rotten. Her and the nuggett have the same ears, nose, and head shape. Weird how technology can work these days!

  2. Thanks girl. I thought Carter and her favored a lot too (as much as they could through a 3D ultrasound..lol). I was going to post Carter's nine month pro. pics on here because you can really see it there.
