Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


I took Carter and Layla to the zoo last week! Lots of fun was had, we saw all the animals, visited the new reptile center, and rode the train. For a day that was suppose to get rained out, it was beautiful.

It was hot and muggy, but we had a wonderful time. Layla's expressions=priceless. Layla was three months old the last time we visited the zoo!

The baby pandas! They will be sent back to China when they are four.

Carter still wanted a picture of the Komodo Dragon, even if we couldn't see it very well.
This is Nick. If my brother were a bird, this would be him.

Apparently, she liked the sound of my voice, or thought I looked like a decent lunch.

A snake at the reptile exhibit.

We couldn't get any real good shots of the gorillas.

The new baby rhino already weighs 1800 lbs.

Meerkat! I wanted to pick him up and squeeze him. So cute!

Train ride selfie!

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