Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Monday, September 6, 2010

First trip to the ZOO!

We spent our Labor Day at the Zoo. Carter loved getting to name all the animals he always sees in his story books. It made it all real. We saw some interesting critters today and had a awesome time. Carter was so excited to be there and I think our outing wore out the little munchkins because the Zoo was really zoo..a zoo of people that is.

Carter's favorite! The elephants!
Good eatin right there..haha.
Carter also loves the zebras. I would say he loves them all but the zebra is definitely a 2nd favorite.
Excited to see whatever we could see through the crowd.
Layla getting a little steamy in the back.
A dancing panda.
Al and I also had a blast. Watching Carter was all we needed to enjoy ourselves.

The merekats were so cute lying on their backs.
The alligator. Another Carter favorite. What a great Labor Day!

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