Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Park Shenanigans

Enjoying some park time and sunshine after a long week on monsoon type weather.

Sunday, April 26, 2015

So grown up!

Took Carter to have his "almost seven" year old pictures done today! Just love them! I can't believe he is going to be seven in a couple of weeks. Here are some of his proofs (picture of pictures). 

My absolute fav!
We were told to bring in a "favorite object." To my surprise, it was not a dinosaur but is a creature with teeth nonetheless.

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

This guy!

Guess who exceeded on his SPG testing? This guy right here! Super proud mama! Second grade here we come!

Carter can't get all the credit. She had to have her picture taken..just because she's cute. 

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Spring Break 15!

Unfortunately, my spring break and the kid's spring break did not fall on the same week. So the kids spent the three days I was in class with Mrs. Laura, Isaac, and Vivian on their farm. We also had a few good park runs too!

Here are the pictures Laura took and sent to me.

Trails at the park.

Park time after mommy gets out of class!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015


I took Carter and Layla to the zoo last week! Lots of fun was had, we saw all the animals, visited the new reptile center, and rode the train. For a day that was suppose to get rained out, it was beautiful.

It was hot and muggy, but we had a wonderful time. Layla's expressions=priceless. Layla was three months old the last time we visited the zoo!

The baby pandas! They will be sent back to China when they are four.

Carter still wanted a picture of the Komodo Dragon, even if we couldn't see it very well.
This is Nick. If my brother were a bird, this would be him.

Apparently, she liked the sound of my voice, or thought I looked like a decent lunch.

A snake at the reptile exhibit.

We couldn't get any real good shots of the gorillas.

The new baby rhino already weighs 1800 lbs.

Meerkat! I wanted to pick him up and squeeze him. So cute!

Train ride selfie!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

1st Tooth!

Carter lost his first tooth tonight! The tooth fairy was very excited she finally got to visit one of my kiddos! 

Not as much drama as I expected; however, Carter sees the dentist on Tuesday, and I can almost guarantee he is going to pull that other baby tooth (It's not even loose) to make room for the other permanent tooth. Hopefully, we remain drama free while at the dentist, but heres to wishful thinking.

Getting ready for the tooth fairy.
Half asleep still, but proud of his earnings.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Happy Easter 2015!

We had our Easter at home this year! Mimi spent the night with us along with Uncle Chase. Uncle Nick, Nicole, and Baylee visited us Easter Morning.

Getting ready for the Easter Bunny!
Somehow, someway, the Easter Bunny hopped his way to Lawrenceville, GA.

Checking out their haul.
Egg hunt time!
Layla found the golden egg this year and was proud of her $2 earnings.
The struggle is real if your not the one to find the golden egg.
So blessed!

Easter Dinner with my crew!