Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Spring Ball!

Baseball has officially started back and Carter couldn't be more excited! Saturday, he had his opening game and a parade to celebrate the start of the season.

The banner I made for the front of the truck for the parade!

Getting all "sugar highed" up before the parade started. During the parade the players got to throw out candy to all the families watching to collect. I am not sure how much candy actually made it out of the truck and not in some little tummies.
A picture of our team truck. I couldn't get a lot of good pics because I was chasing a very anxious candy seeking two year old (not naming any names) around while candy was being thrown.
Batter up!

and home run!
Lining up after the game to shake hands with "The Cubs". Al decided to assistant coach this season as well.

Happy baseball season has started back! We sure did miss it!

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