Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Rainy Weekend

This past weekend was quite a disappointment for the kids. Not only was it raining, it was super cold and it totally killed our spring high. Carter's game got cancelled and we couldn't play outside, so we just hung out and got some things done that would have been crammed into the short week ahead.

We decided that we would go ahead and prepare our eggs for our Easter egg hunt this Thursday at school.
He wanted the metallic colored eggs (totally my child) for his class and already picked which one of his friends is going to be getting which egg.
Little Easter bunnies I made for Carter's baseball team for Easter.
Layla got her first haircut this weekend by me! So sad cutting off all the ends that had her dark baby hair! However, they are saved in a bag in her baby book.

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