Edisto Beach 2015

Edisto Beach 2015

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Rainy Weekend

This past weekend was quite a disappointment for the kids. Not only was it raining, it was super cold and it totally killed our spring high. Carter's game got cancelled and we couldn't play outside, so we just hung out and got some things done that would have been crammed into the short week ahead.

We decided that we would go ahead and prepare our eggs for our Easter egg hunt this Thursday at school.
He wanted the metallic colored eggs (totally my child) for his class and already picked which one of his friends is going to be getting which egg.
Little Easter bunnies I made for Carter's baseball team for Easter.
Layla got her first haircut this weekend by me! So sad cutting off all the ends that had her dark baby hair! However, they are saved in a bag in her baby book.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Little Shamrocks!

Happy St. Patrick's Day from my little Shamrocks! Hope everyone had a great day full of green, corn beef hash, cabbage (ok..we really didn't have corn beef seeing how I would be the only one eating it), and leprechauns. Speaking of leprechauns, we had an awfully sneaky one come in and play some tricks on us this St. Patty's Day.

First, he left a message on my bathroom mirror...
Then, he turned our pancakes greens!
Last but not least, he even turned the jello I made for dessert green. We never saw our alleged leprechaun nor did we find his pot of gold.

Saturday, March 16, 2013

Happy 82 Grandma!

Today we went up to my Aunt's to celebrate my grandma Lucy's 82nd birthday! We had such a good time getting to see everyone and the kids missed their nap, so I had an usually early night to myself seeing how Al is away for the weekend.

82 years young!
Blowing out her candles.
Count these two in where ever there is cake.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013


That's B for Influenza B. After playing such a hard game on Saturday, Carter woke up on Sunday with a very HIGH fever, watery eyes, nasal drainage, cough, vomiting, basically the whole nine yards. In all 26 years of my life and almost 5 years of being a mother, I have never encountered a fever like this one. Not even Tylenol and Advil taken together brought this fever down. I knew in my heart as a mother and also as a nurse that Carter had the flu. A trip to the pediatrician Monday confirmed my diagnosis of Influenza B.

He looks so pitiful. This was before our visit to the pediatrician.
The best part about getting your nose and throat swabbed, is going to Sonic to get a slushi. 103 fever and all smiles.
Kicking the flu's you know what one Tamiflu at a time. Influenza B who? Tamiflu is seriously a remarkable drug. Once we returned home, I gave him a dose of Tamiflu and he took a 4 hour nap and woke up a completely different kid.
After his second dose of Tamiflu! It is scary when all of us had our flu shot and Carter ended up with it. Layla was sick last week although her fever wasn't as high but they didn't test her for it although I think she may of had a touch of it. So as a preventative measure, Al and I are taking Tamiflu. I wouldn't want Al to become symptomatic for his trip this weekend.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Spring Ball!

Baseball has officially started back and Carter couldn't be more excited! Saturday, he had his opening game and a parade to celebrate the start of the season.

The banner I made for the front of the truck for the parade!

Getting all "sugar highed" up before the parade started. During the parade the players got to throw out candy to all the families watching to collect. I am not sure how much candy actually made it out of the truck and not in some little tummies.
A picture of our team truck. I couldn't get a lot of good pics because I was chasing a very anxious candy seeking two year old (not naming any names) around while candy was being thrown.
Batter up!

and home run!
Lining up after the game to shake hands with "The Cubs". Al decided to assistant coach this season as well.

Happy baseball season has started back! We sure did miss it!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Big Girl Bed!

I have really been a slacking mama on my blogging lately. These last couple of weeks have been crazy, but I think we are finally getting back into the swing of things. Miss Layla has finally left her crib and has moved up to a full sized big girl bed. I am really kind of sad because now I know she isn't a baby anymore as much as I like to still convince myself she is.

First night in her big girl bed. She was so excited.
Getting comfortable in her new bed with daddy's iPad.
We still can make a mess even with less space.
Carter got new furniture too! He talked a pretty good game about sleeping on the top bunk but he ended up on the bottom.